Monday, July 13, 2009

Visit to see Cousin Bella

Eating dinner with the big girls.

I just love these pictures! Bella, Sophie and Sofia. Look at the pose.

Wildwood Trip July 4, 2009

At the Cape May Zoo
Sofia hanging out with Giraffe.

With Mom-mom at the zoo.

Fire Chief...Pop would be so proud!

Aunt Erin strolling with Sofia on the boardwalk.
Time for rides!! She loved this boat. She yanked on that bell the whole time.
This ride was pretty scary. We thought for sure she would cry. Instead she acted like it was a total bore. That Girl!
Mommy got to go on this one with her. She yelled choo choo the whole time.
Is there any doubt this is my daughter? hahaha.

Thursday, July 9, 2009